Good to know

Things I discovered lately:
- I found out we have 10 group of Islands in the sea and another group of Islands in the Nile.

- When you see a horse with white eyes, it bites and would be dangerous to ride.

-People who live in Dahab and Sharm elsheikh speak Russian.

- I can improvise & tell stories.
- If you lived in the dessert, you can learn the language of the stars, by knowing your way home or even when the palm tree is fully grown to harvest the dates.

- I love food cooked with olive oil. 
- Do you know by the time of Full moon,it can bring the worst in you or the best in you? They say whatever mood you have by that time it intensifies, no wonder this influenced the stories of werewolfs
- "Shibboleth" is Hebrew word, plant name, tribes in Jordan used it to identify tribes from Joseph descendent and kill them.


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