Keep going

"If you are going through hell, keep going!"

   It means if you feel like you're getting into deep waters, things get darker & yet you don't get to understand. Then you just keep going because that's no where to stop. Same as Life, no matter how much you stray away to reach your aims peacefully, you will be put in unlikely situations where you will get tested. You will be forced either to endure pain without losing yourself or you get to reach the edge where you give in cause you can't take it much longer & you lost your will to stand up again.
Do you know when you're drowning you don't actually inhale water until right before you black out, it is a matter of reflex, you keep resisting opening your mouth until you feel your head is going to explode then you just give in no pain, just void. Exactly like we go through each single day, we try to survive the hits we take, but as much as you try to understand you suffer while clinging to your soul so it won't fade away. 
Maybe you are tired & you are about to black out ...What if you kept resisting to open your mouth despite the agonizing pain, wouldn't that give you more time to reach to the surface? .... Just keep going!


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