The Sword of Damocles - Greek legend

Dionysius II was a 4th century B.C. tyrant of Syracuse, a city in Magna Graecia, the Greek area of southern Italy. Not all Greek tyrants were what we think of when we hear the word, but he and his father, Dionysius I, were about as tyrannical as they get. This is a legend about the powerful tyrant.
To all appearances, Dionysius II was very rich and comfortable, with all the luxuries money could buy, tasteful clothing and jewelry, and delectable food. He even had court flatterers to inflate his ego. One of these was the official court sycophant, Damocles. Damocles used to make comments to the king about his wealth and luxurious life. One day, when Damocles complimented the tyrant on his abundance and power, Dionysius turned to Damocles and said, "If you think I'm so lucky, how would you like to try out my life?"
Damocles readily agreed, and so Dionysius ordered everything to be prepared for Damocles to experience what life as Dionysius was like. Damocles was enjoying himself immensely... until he noticed a sharp sword hovering over his head that was suspended from the ceiling by a horse hair. This, the tyrant explained to Damocles, was what life as ruler was really like.
Damocles, alarmed, quickly revised his idea of what made up a good life, and asked to be excused. He then eagerly returned to his poorer, but safer life.
Sword of Damocles, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. 1539.
The painted platter shows what happens after Damocles eagerly took up the ruler's offer. He was stuck on the throne underneath a sword that was suspended by so fine a thread, it was in imminent danger of breaking and, in this painting, stabbing him in the heart. Other illustrations have it aimed at his head.
The Story of the Sword of Damocles is unlikely to be true, but it is used to show why that person you wish you could be may actually be more miserable than you are, but you'll never know until you walk a mile in his shoes.


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