It doesn't matter

It doesn't matter how mature, responsible and ethical you have been brought up. When a person doesn't want to stay, everything won't be in your favor if you talked him into it, because once such decision is made, you will be seen unlike your character, you will hear all the reasons and excuses that person picked up to relief himself that he should leave and not care, you will be judged even when you don't know why or what happened to all that. When someone decides not to care nor stay then don't make any effort, because you don't need to explain what your worth, just say thanks and leave. Save your time and energy because it doesn't matter. It is not someone's right to evaluate you, nor give you that pity talk only to relief themselves to justify their actions that they took the right decision. How hard you acted in a highly manner it will be taken, "See I was right that I left!". Simply, it is not your problem if their heads are just messed up, they will believe what they want to believe no matter who you really are, so, don't get dragged to all this nonsense, just say Thank you, leave with a classy smile & hit the format button. If they chose to leave then that is the best thing that ever was done to you not the other way around :)


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