Dear Diary,

That moment when you actually have one defined goal left to reach through your job, though it consumes the life out of you while you are still young. But when I look at it from another perspective it actually helped me through a lot along the way. Also, it freaks me out sometimes that 70 percent of my identity is unravelled and only the "worker" personality takes over daily non stop which makes you forget who you really are.

Whenever I say I will get back to my check point to find the balance am just dragged to a bigger challenge like the one am in nowadays, I entered a new project, new people I don't know anything about, higher scary level of exposure, even a new desk in a different place at last! A change you can't say No to, just be grateful and never lose your smile. I barely sleep nor eat, I have these puffy eyes lately, losing my feminine looks and getting thinner than ever but I am excited about it thanks to God. Let's rock and roll!



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