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Dear Diary,
I wish that writing can solve my problems and describe how I feel that easy. Though under my skin it keeps growing like some kinda bomb about to explode, whenever I want to put it out in words it won't come out. I wish also to tell myself those copy paste phrases that "all shall pass"," everything will be fine", "you are the master of your own happiness", " we fall in order to rise up higher". All that is just bullshit! Not by feeling angry nor indifferent gonna solve it either and I have no idea ... Maybe you can die now or die later doesn't even make any difference. Whatever.
I wish that writing can solve my problems and describe how I feel that easy. Though under my skin it keeps growing like some kinda bomb about to explode, whenever I want to put it out in words it won't come out. I wish also to tell myself those copy paste phrases that "all shall pass"," everything will be fine", "you are the master of your own happiness", " we fall in order to rise up higher". All that is just bullshit! Not by feeling angry nor indifferent gonna solve it either and I have no idea ... Maybe you can die now or die later doesn't even make any difference. Whatever.
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