8 Minutes!

Dear Diary,

"If the sun were to explode, you wouldn't even know about it for 8 minutes because that's how long it takes for light to travel to us. For eight minutes the world would still be bright and it would still feel warm."
Credits to: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

Sometimes we need to face our fears, sometimes we need to let it go to get to know ourselves better. Sometimes we need to embrace the moment, & feel those eight minutes. Because even if they ran out and you reached a moment when things will never be the same as they were. Even if you went on and on looking for something to stretch those minutes to make sense of things; you believed it didn't make any sense at all. Even if you want to stop but you can't because you want to defeat the disappointment comes ahead. At the end, you will reach a moment when you can understand & smile with confidence that better moments are yet to come & you will be ready for it.

Yours Sincerely,
Ghadeer Ayoub


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